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General Software
Java: You'll need this to run Camino. Available for multiple formats. You need the java SDK, not the JRE.
Cygwin: A UNIX-like shell environment for windows that will allow the use of pipes and redirection making Camino as flexible as possible
Image processing
ITK-SNAP: Image viewer and segmentation tool, which allows manual and semi-automated definition of regions of interest.
Convert3D Command line tool for mathematical operations on images.
MRIcron: Updated version of MRIcro, includes the dcm2nii
tool for converting DICOM data to NIfTI format.
Advanced Normalization Tools: ANTS is an open-source toolkit for multiple brain mapping tasks including registration and segmentation.
DTI-TK: a framework for diffusion tensor image registration and tract-specific analysis.
Paraview: VTK-based visualization software.
ITK-SNAP: Image viewer and segmentation tool, which allows manual and semi-automated definition of regions of interest.
Camino-Trackvis: An interoperability tool that supports the tractography results from Camino to be viewed in TrackVis.
Nipype: Neuroimaging in Python, wraps Camino and other tools.